I always get a visceral revulsion from Gingrich

Posted by Sir Four at 12:20pm Dec 22 '11
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It seems every few days he does or says something that's just repellent to me.

Yesterday, a gay voter asked him, "How do you plan to engage and get the hope of gay Americans and those who support them?" Gingrich's response was to tell the guy he'd be better off voting for Obama. But added, "for those for whom [gay marriage] is not the central issue in their life –if they care about job creation, if they care about national security, if they care about a better future for the country at large-then I think I'll get their support."

Hey dipshit, imagine if you were to tell the anti-gay die-hards whose votes you court, "for those for whom [gay marriage] is not the central issue in their life -if they care about job creation, if they care about national security, if they care about a better future for the country at large-then I think I'll get their support." That would be a bit more of a politically brave thing to say, eh? Instead his position is to keep pandering to the anti-gay culture warriors, while telling actual gay people to focus on his other stances.

added on 12:23pm Dec 22 '11:
This video always makes me feel better whenever I'm feeling Gingrich rage.

added on 12:41pm Dec 22 '11:
"Marriage is a sacred institution, not to be tainted by teh gayness. By the way, have you met my third wife, who was my former mistress?"

Man, fuck Newt Gingrich.
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