Oh Fox News, you never disappoint

Posted by Sir Four at 11:11pm Dec 13 '11
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Notice anything funny about this graph of the unemployment rate?

How about... the 8.6% rate for Nov is at the 9% line, and appears significantly above the (higher) 8.8% rate in March? Sure, news orgs make errors, but why do Fox News errors always seem to go in one partisan direction?

There was an interesting post on Andrew Sullivan today about cable channel packaging. Apparently Fox News extracts a fee of 70 cents for every subscriber who receives the channel as part of a cable package. That is, regardless of your political views, you're paying money to Fox News if you subscribe to cable TV. The argument was made that, if you could choose your channels, many people would opt not to support Fox News, and they'd either be forced to focus on a more southern, more conservative niche...or cease to be such a partisan lightning rod and try to appeal to a broader audience. Interesting thought, anyway. Not going to happen.
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