Ooh, rough sailing for Obamacare

Posted by Kromey at 9:49pm Aug 4 '11
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Ouch. You know it's bad when the President's own allies in shoving this law through Congress are now lining up on the other side. There's just so much wrong with the whole thing, I can't even list them all; the article linked below makes a good go at it, though, and does pretty good, but even this isn't exhaustive.

I mean, seriously, how bad is the law when the administration's own justification for why the individual mandate isn't oppressive is to say that people can simply choose to earn less money to duck under it?

Two years since the law has passed, and two years of public opposition to it. What's happened to democracy?

added on 9:50pm Aug 4 '11:
Oh, especially when choosing to earn less money then qualifies you for government aid, which means you still haven't avoided the mandate after all!
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