This is the reality of anti-gun politicians

Posted by Kromey at 10:45pm May 13 '11
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Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has long been one of the staunchest anti-gun politicians in the nation, right up there with New York's Bloomberg, who infamously sent New York City cops on an "undercover sting" to Arizona. Daley, infamous for his short temper (he once pointed a semi-automatic rifle directly at a news reporter, threatening to "shove it up [his] ass and pull the trigger"), has always asserted that the people of Chicago don't need to have the option to defend themselves because the grossly-understaffed police department is there for that.

This is the same Mayor Daley who is always surrounded by armed bodyguards -- drawn from aforementioned understaffed police department -- and who has now insisted that he needs round-the-clock police bodyguards after he leaves office this month.

This is the reality that anti-gun politicians live in -- they think the police will always there because they've got 24/7 armed bodyguards, something the rest of us simply do not have access to. For the rest of us, well, "when seconds matter, the police are just minutes away."
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