What the White House really thinks of Obamacare

Posted by Kromey at 1:51pm Jan 31 '11
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If you would like to know what the White House really thinks of Obamacare, there's an easy way. Look past its press releases. Ignore its promises. Forget its talking points. Instead, simply witness for yourself the outrageous way the White House protects its best friends from Obamacare. [733 waivers granted to campaign contributors and other friends to date.]


The question remains: If Obamacare is such a great law, why does the White House keep protecting its best friends from it?


It was Mr. Obama himself who infamously said, "We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends." This president speaks anything but softly, and Obamacare is his big stick.
And this on top of Obama's broken promise of transparent government: hiding a report from the Medicare and Medicaid Office of the Actuary denouncing an added $311 billion cost, kept covered-up until after Obamacare was passed; keeping under wraps more than 500 of the Obamacare waivers that had been granted in December until after the State of the Union address.

This is politics -- dirty politics -- as usual for Washington. Where's the "change we can believe in"?
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