
Posted by Someone Else at 6:45am Jan 22 '11
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I think this line was my favorite, for both betraying the author's bias in the most blatant way and for the amusing mental image (not to mention the thought that...is the author trying to say we should follow in good ol' Washington's image and start being violent towards people in tie-dye?):

You can’t hear its words without imagining the ghost of George Washington punching hippies.

All I really have to say is that I'm almost sorry I bothered reading that drivel. And also, the writer is a douche. And based on the defensiveness about less educated people (the snipe about how some conservatives only went to community college, as if liberals would be so offended at the notion), probably not terribly well educated--mind you, this is coming from someone who's not got a college degree, but then again, I'm not trying to blog about things that are beyond my scope of understanding or learning...
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