Joe Miller

Posted by Kromey at 5:42pm Sep 1 '10
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He's a former US magistrate judge, and has his own law practice here in Fairbanks, but not much of a political career: He won the GOP primary to run for the state House of Representatives in 2004, but lost the election to the Democratic candidate.

He's definitely got a lot of libertarian ideals, including wanting a constitutional amendment to prohibit federal deficit spending, unless approved by a three-fifths vote. He also wants all bills going through Congress to be required to cite the section of the Constitution that gives Congress the authority to do whatever the bill is proposing, as well as a prohibition on so-called "omnibus bills", i.e. all bills must pertain to one and only one subject.

He wants to privatize Social Security and Medicare, but only for younger workers; he doesn't want to impact the benefits of older, especially already-retired, workers.

He is pro-life.

Alaskan Republicans are generally unhappy with his winning of the primary, but I expect they'll quickly get over it and rally behind him to avoid risking the Senate seat -- they've already lost one to the Democrats (Senator Mark Begich), they won't want to hand another over to them. If nothing else, Republicans are staunchly loyal to their party -- you won't ever see a "Murkowski Supporters for McAdams" banner or sign anywhere, ever. (That said, rumors are circulating that Lisa Murkowski is considering a write-in or Libertarian bid for the Senate seat; I predict this won't happen, and she'll instead endorse Joe Miller.)

He'll be facing Democratic candidate Scott McAdams, currently the mayer of the borough and city of Sitka. Prior to being elected to that post in 2008, his political career consists of the local school board.

Polling currently has Joe Miller in a narrow lead over McAdams; speculative polling with Murkowski in the picture is interesting, seemingly showing a lot of votes that otherwise go to McAdams going to her, but even there Miller pulls a narrow victory.
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