Re: Personally, I say: Let 'em build a mosque.

Posted by Sir Four at 9:38am Aug 24 '10
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I must be naive, but when I first heard of this story back when it was still a fringe issue (referenced here), I also didn't see what the big deal was, and didn't imagine it becoming such a controversy.

Of course one of the ironies here is that to oppose the project, one must believe all Muslims are tainted by 9/11 and are likely to be shifty America-haters. Yet the justification of the Iraq war, supported by most conservatives, hinged on a portrayal of Iraqis (Muslims!) being a benevolent people in need of liberation from a ruthless tyrant. We spent billions of dollars and thousands of lives fighting for a people whom we distrust and hate so much that we want to suppress their right to build in Manhattan?
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