Au revWAR

Posted by Psilocybin at 12:27am Aug 20 '10
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We are saying "Au revoir" to the War on Iraq, hence my title "Au revwar".

A Vietnam-like quagmire that pulled out the largest anti-war protest in history, the occupation of Iraq finally draws to a close.

With over 4,000 soldiers dead in Iraq, we will see no more deaths now that Obama has made good on his promise that the troops would be pulled out in 18 months.

The blame for the War on Iraq lies partly with George W. Bush, a president who fought this war out of a greed for oil and lied about the presence of WMD's in an attempt to convince Americans. Bush's reliance on the "Really Dodgy Dossier" was unforgivable.

But the party who is really to blame is all the ovine American citizens who supported this war not for human rights reasons, but so they wouldn't be unpatriotic. Too many people said, "It is our duty as American citizens to get behind Chimpy McHalliburton, right or wrong!" To these people, national unity was to be valued at the expense of honesty, peace, justice, sound energy policy, respect for life or even freedom of speech. In there twisted Orwellian way, they believed it was right to do wrong. And look where this pursuit of unity has gotten the United States.

Of course, there were some positive by-products of the War on Iraq. Among these was the capture of Saddam Hussein and toppling of the Saddam regime in Iraq, with all its human rights abuses. In December of 2006, Hussein was executed. His sons, Uday and Qusay, were also killed my armed forces to prevent the Hussein family from ever coming back into power. Democracy has been introduced into Iraq as well. The first voter in their new election was a 19-year-old girl in a country that has traditionally oppressed women.

Now as we watch the yellow ribbons go up, we can say with certainty that Barack Obama has been accomplishing things after all. When he came into office, he ended the prosecution of medical marijuana in states that made the medicinal use of pot legal. And now he can add to his list of accomplishments something admirable -- the end to the War on Iraq.
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