Posted by Rick at 6:09pm Jun 19 '10
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It seems most politicians look out for number 1...themselves.

What a concept it would be for them to put their people as number 1. That isn't a change, that's going back to basics.

GOOOH is an organization that aims to do that. How does politics work today?
You have to go to an elephant or a donkey and tell them you want to be elected. You sign your soul over to them: they will fund your campaign, but you vote how they tell you to regardless of any promises you make or to what your constituents were expecting.
This happens on both sides. The republicans publicly did it in the 90's; the democrats publicly are doing it now.

America is based on individuals doing what is best and/or the right thing. When they do well, America by proxy is doing well.
For instance: the economy does well when business does well and when business is well that means individual people are doing well. Therefore when people do well the economy is doing well...which is why our government just can't magically snap their fingers and boom, economy is fixed.

Right away some of you probably ask well what is your "right thing" is or what is "best". That's the beauty of GOOOH. It's not a government, a party, or a leader telling you the answers. You and your community come up with the answer, and you pick someone to represent your interests in the House of Representatives.

The main site if linked to this if you will like to learn more.
For convenience I'll be bringing a sample of what it's all about to you.
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