Now here's something interesting to consider

Posted by Kromey at 8:28pm Apr 12 '10
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Obamacare's great objective is to expand coverage to 44 million uninsured Americans, right?

Well, ignoring, as Dr. Joseph W. Stubbs says, that "[c]overage is not equivalent to access", here's a problem: 44 million new patients, and not one thin dime towards more doctors. Now, the article linked below says we're going to lose doctors/med school applicants over the coming years -- something I'm not completely buying, at least not yet -- but you can't argue that the Dems are doing anything to increase the number of doctors, only patients, and we're already on a shortage of doctors in this country.

The result? Lower-quality health care for everyone as already-overworked doctors come under increased pressure from even more patients!!
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