You'll get no objection from me

Posted by Sir Four at 9:33pm Mar 8 '10
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when it comes to insurance companies being problematic. The only useful service they bring to market--pooling people together and negotiating lower prices with medical care providers--can easily be done by a government-run plan or other non-profit plan. Rocket science, it ain't.

However, a bill to wipe out the for-profit insurance industry was just not doable. Just look at this bill, with it's relatively modest reforms that don't rock the boat too much. Half the country thinks it's fascio-nazi-socialism. Now imagine telling them we're going to end your insurance plan as you know it. Americans scare easily...

So what I would advise you do when analyzing the bill is to do so within the limited context of what is politically possible. It's a much narrower zone in which to work, and it sets some sub-optimal parameters, but a lot of improvement can still be made.

Also, I think standardized electronic medical records are a must. I've worked professionally on a similar initiative in another industry, and I can say with confidence: it's like taking people from the stone age into the modern age.
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