Republican FAIL

Posted by Sir Four at 10:39am Mar 6 '10
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A copy of a secret Republican fundraising powerpoint presentation was left behind at an event in Florida, where it was discovered and given to the media.

In addition to exposing their strategies--for instance, naming their top targets Reid, Lincoln, Bennet and Specter--there were some embarassing parts that they now wish weren't in there.

They had a juvenile slide with the Obama/joker image as well as pictures likening Pelosi to Cruella deVille and Reid to Scooby Doo. They also refered to their big money donors as "ego-driven" and motivated to donate through peer pressure, networking opportunities and access. (Isn't it refreshing to see such honesty about big money buying access?) Small donors are said to be reactionary and motivated by fear and extreme negative feelings toward Obama.

Republican donors also seem to be motivated by "tchochkes," a bullet emphasized by nine exclamation points.

The over-arching theme fundraisers are supposed to use is the socialism angle. Stop America from turning socialist!

You can see the whole thing here
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