Palin and the word "retard"

Posted by Sir Four at 10:48am Feb 9 '10
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Sarah Palin went after Whitehouse Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel when it was reported he had used the phrase "fucking retards" during the course of a meeting. She demanded his resignation for disparaging those with mental handicaps.

I don't think we're quite at the point where such language is going to result in people resigning their positions. I do wonder if this is evidence of an emerging right-left consensus on shunning politically incorrect language. Or maybe not. Palin got herself into some trouble over this given there are people on "the right" who gleefully use words like "retard" (see Rush Limbaugh).

Also, the shame here is that the Palins of the world only seem to stand up for those issues that have affected them personally. Does anyone expect her to go after a person for slurring gays, for example? There are obvious inconsistencies.
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