Are Independent Voters Really Independent?

Posted by Sir Four at 1:24pm Jan 27 '10
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I've long-suspected that most people who claim to be Independent are not really independent. My grandfather, for instance, calls himself an Independent. He has not, however, voted for a Democrat since Truman. I think it's safe to say he is a Republican.

I think it's tempting to call oneself an Independent. It makes you seem even-handed and open-minded. Or perhaps it's an indication of temporary displeasure with your favored party, whom you ultimately decide to vote for anyway on election day.

And yet, polls like this one regularly make rounds on the internet and cable news shows, "proving" that most people are Independents:

Few people question the validity of these polls. But I think the Three Myths about Political Independents does a solid job of debunking this. When Independents are categorized based on how they "lean", these leaners tend to mirror partisans fairly closely. Only about 10% of the electorate is truely independent.
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