I'll answer for Canada...

Posted by blood roses at 12:46pm Dec 20 '09
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1. Have you ever personally written, emailed, called, or visited your U.S. Congressman's (House of Representatives, that is) office, either in D.C. or in your district?


2. Have you ever personally written, emailed, called, or visited your U.S. Senator's office?


3. Have you ever personally contacted your state Delegate's office (or whatever it is in your state)?

I'm not sure what that is and whether we have a Canadian equivalent.

4. Have you ever personally contacted a member of your local government?

No, but I really should...

5. Have you ever contacted a government official on any level of government on behalf of an interest group?


6. Have you ever participated in a political rally or a protest/demonstration?


7. Have you ever signed and/or collected signatures for a petition that was to be given to your Representative, Senator, Delegate, etc.?


8. Have you ever participated in an election by doing anything more than voting (i.e., fundraising, campaigning, volunteering at the voting booths, etc.)?

No, although once again I really should.

9. Did you vote in the last presidential election? If you've had another election since the presidential election, did you also vote in that?

I voted in the last federal election. We more recently had a provincial election and I voted in that as well.

10. Do you vote in primaries?

No. It's my understanding that in the US you register with a party as part of registering to vote? And then you're eligible to vote in the primaries for that party? In Canada, we don't have that. You don't "register Conservative" or "register Liberal" or what have you. To vote in a party's leadership election, you have to join the party seperately, which costs money and I don't actually know anyone who bothers with it.

11. Do you plan on personally contacting your Representative, Senator, Delegate, or local government officials in the not-so-distant future?

Maybe my local representative. Unlikely for the others.

12. Have you ever participated in a political survey?


13. Do you feel that your legislators are paying attention to the interests of their constituents?

For the most part, yeah, I think they are.
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