Looks like Christie is going to win

Posted by Sir Four at 11:14pm Nov 3 '09
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I didn't bother voting, actually.</apathy> If I had gone, I might've voted for the independent Daggett.

Republicans are going to try to make the case that a Christie win represents something significant. In reality he should have performed far better, given Corzine's approval rating has been in the 30s. How do you only manage to run neck-and-neck against a guy with an approval rating in the 30s? By being a lousy candidate.

I predicted Corzine was a one-termer back when he got the sales tax raised. The last governor to raise the sales tax was Jim Florio in the early 90s. They practically chased that guy out with pitchforks. Since then nobody dared touch the sales tax, until Corzine.

Of course that wasn't the main issue this year. The main issue is that people have been suffering in a recession, and Corzine... well, he couldn't personally do too much about it, but he's been pretty useless just the same. And he was too timid to take on Democratic special interests... which doesn't make a lot of sense given his personal wealth (he doesn't need the campaign money, that's for sure).

So now all the local Republicans will have their turn to be disappointed in their guy, yay. Seen on Facebook: "The days of big government are numbered!" lol... political newb.
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