Well, first...

Posted by C at 5:31pm Oct 11 '09
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That country has never had a stable central government, and it never will. That's just the way it is, and always will be.

Secondly, I agree with with everything you said about al Qaeda, they're merely going to move away. It's a sort of like exterminating bugs in one apartment while leaving the rest of the building infested. Eventually, the roaches make their way back even if you successfully kill all the ones in one apartment... they're infested in every apartment that's currently not being treated.

To sum it up, we just don't have enough troops to root out and eliminate al Qaeda.

We need to pull out of Afghanistan and just help them build schools, and hospitals but stay out of their military affairs. There's warlords that run different territories there, so trying to support a (shady at best) central government is a futile endeavor.
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