Bush could've used the opportunity...

Posted by Sir Four at 8:01am Oct 19 '04
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...to forge a new path for America -- to lead the nation in a new bipartisan spirit that took into account all Americans. He had the opportunity, some say, to usher in decades of Republican dominance, if only he adopted a modern and inclusive brand of Republicanism. Instead he played his hand cynically, concentrating power in the executive branch, running a paranoid administration that was obsessed with secrecy, and beating anyone who disagreed with them over the head with charges of un-Americanism. He appointed industry hacks to top regulatory positions, watered down environmental laws, unilaterally pulled of of international treaties and generally shunned the rest of the world in his foreign policy, appointed extreme conservative judges, adopted an anti-gay and anti-science agenda, and so on.

Maybe I'm glad he fucked it up, because I don't want to see decades of Republican dominance. Then again, this division, bitterness and animosity running through this country is so damaging and unproductive. I don't know how we will be truely united again. I just know it won't be accomplished with four more years of Bush.

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