Re: What will be the Republicans' 50 State Strateg

Posted by Kromey at 2:06am Jul 31 '09
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Of course, this often meant compromising on ideological rigidity and running more conservative Democrats.

This is why I've been liking the Dems over the GOP in recent years: I disagree with both party's platforms, but the Dems have been running candidates with more sensible positions; meanwhile the GOP seems to be going even more hardline, which may "energize the base" but it only serves to further distance the party from the majority of the people.

The simple fact is that the vast majority of the people don't agree with either party. They may not realize it - very few people actually know what the "party line" is on their chosen side - but party politics is not a representation of the people's will.

Honestly, I hope that the GOP gets ever more hardline, and the Dems ever more moderate - the end result of that will be a Democratic party that doesn't have any cohesion, and a GOP that ceases to be of any relevance; in short, the end of party politics.

Yeah, it'll never happen, I know, but a guy can dream, can't he?
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