Vote for lowering voting age at

Posted by Bruised at 1:26am Jan 11 '09
You must sign in to send Bruised a message ran a contest in December in which people submitted ideas for the changes they want to make in America and other users voted them up. The top three ideas in each category made it to the finals.

The first round closed with the stroke of New Year's, and my idea (lowering the voting age) was one of only 87 ideas out of the over 7,000 submitted to make it to the final round. Now these 87 are competing for the top ten crowns. The top 10 ideas will be presented to Barack Obama at his nauguration.

Now I'm asking the 4K community to help vote up my idea and get it into the top 10. I'm not inviting [private], [private], or the others who opposed lowering the voting age during the debate we had about it. I just want everyone who supports this idea, American or not, to help me out. (You don't have to be an American to vote at

This is how you register for the site:

1. Go to

2. See the box to the left of the item, with the number on top and the word VOTE! below it? Click on it.

3. It will make a window pop up where you type in your name and email and make up a password.

4. Go to your email box. You will find a email there.

5. Click on the link in the email -- it will take you to this site.

6. You should arrive at

Click on the VOTE! box to the left of the idea to support it.

There you go!

There are 86 other ideas for you to check out. [private], you might lke the suggestion about healthcare. [private], you may be interested in the legalizing marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes item. Sorry, [private], there's no entry on stopping illegal immigration. You may vote for 10 ideas in all. I myself voted for legalizing unpasteurized milk, banning racial profiling and putting an end to corporate personhood.

The contest ends on January 15, so check the site out soon!
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