Clinton lied

Posted by Kromey at 9:20pm Mar 17 '08
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While we're tossing around barely-credible stories about Obama's connections with his pastor, let's also take a look at something that can't be denied:

Hillary Clinton lied.

"[N]o person has ever won the White House without winning the Ohio primary, in either party."

I'm sure FDR, JFK, Wilson and Eisenhower would be interested to hear that, given that they all won the White House without winning Ohio. That's almost 10% of the American presidents getting elected without winning Ohio.

Anyway, this article is interesting. Skip past the first two paragraphs - if you've read my post here, you've essentially read the first two paragraphs there. If you haven't read my post, you're probably not reading this and probably won't click the link anyway.
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