Top ten nicknames for George W. Bush

Posted by Bruised at 8:47pm Jul 21 '07
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10. Shrub

A simple but memorable pun on the surname of the forty-third president, popularized by Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose.

9. Shrubbleyou

A clever overlap of Shrub and W that somehow manages to make the president sound really, really, really dumb.

8. Junior

A nickname for the man who tried to please his father by continuing the oil war he started and avenging the attempt on his life.

7. Bushitler

A blog favorite that points out the discomforting similarities between the man who introduced the Patriot Act and the leader of the Third Reich.

6. The Smirking Chimp

A cut from the site that discovered amazing similarities between the facial expressions of the president and those of Pan troglodytes.

5. King George

Just like the tyrannical deranged king of the U.K., Bush ignores the cries of the Whigs for the interests of corporations and petroleum.

4. Whistle-ass

This invention of a late member of the Silent Generation for the president who smirked too much deserves to live on.

3. Chimpy McFlightsuit

The smirking pongid's "Top Gun" stunt insulted the intelligence of the Gen-X audience it was meant to impress, and therefore deserves to stick with him.

2. Drinky McDumbass

Pairing his drunk driving conviction with his severe idiocy provides a winning combination.

And the top nickname for George W. Bush . . .

1. dWi

Puts his middle initial into the name of the charge against him that no American should ever forget. After all, we sure hope Candy Lightner didn't vote for this fellow.

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