Indecent exposure

Posted by Bruised at 11:33pm May 27 '07
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One thing I don't understand is why people are offended by seeing people naked in public. You have penis, scrotum and urethral opening (if you are male) or vagina, labia, mons pubis and clitoris (and breasts) (if you are female). You have these parts yourselves as see them every time you go to the bathroom. No one is offended when he sees other people's genitalia in the shower in the gym. These parts even turn you on, unless you're asexual, and you have joy seeing these on other people when having sex. You'd think there would be no laws against nudity in a world where people get positive, pleasurable feelings from seeing genitals or breasts. So you are you offended by seeing something in public that you're not offended by seeing in private? Enquiring minds want to know.

By the way, I have a new post on the ninth page of the Politics board, under the thread "Isle of Man lowers voting age to 16". Be sore to read it.

added on 11:34pm May 27 '07:
"So you are you" should read "So why are you".
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