Democrats & Technology

Posted by Sir Four at 12:08pm Nov 13 '06
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Interesting article. Technology companies are finding some good news in the recent election. For one thing, they expect Democrats to increase the number of H-1B visas, allowing more tech workers from other countries to come here and work. I would support that move, as companies do need those workers, but I think we also need to look into why America can't produce enough technology workers of our own.

Another topic in the news is net neutrality, and happily Democrats tend to support it: "Nancy Pelosi is a staunch supporter of net neutrality," the article states. This is great news, in my opinion.

The article also mentions privacy: "Fourteen bills related to technological privacy - including one that would have imposed tougher sentences for spyware makers and another that would have required companies to disclose when consumer data was stolen or misused - failed in the last two years." Dems are supportive of internet privacy, another good thing.

The questionable one is the issue of copyright. Of course we know Dems are cozy to Hollywood, which is bad for the consumer. So will the DMCA continue to be the law of the land? Probably, although the article mentions that Rick Boucher, an anti-DMCA guy, is jocking for the head position on the subcommittee for intellectual property.

Oh, and interestingly enough, tech stocks are surging. I guess Dems aren't so bad for the market, afterall.
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