An article on waterboarding

Posted by blood roses at 6:30pm Nov 7 '06
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A couple weeks ago, there was some debate over whether waterboarding could really be considered torture. I think this article may be enlightening for those who don't think it is.

The torture of waterboarding, then and now

A quote from a WWII POW who experienced waterboarding at the hands of the Japenese:

He directed the full flow of the now-gushing pipe onto my nostrils and mouth. Water poured down my windpipe and throat and filled my lungs and stomach. The torrent was unimaginably choking. This is the sensation of drowning, on dry land, on a hot dry afternoon. Your humanity bursts from within you as you gag and choke. I tried very hard to will unconsciousness but no relief came."

And a quote from the interpreter who witnessed it:

They poured water into his mouth. I saw his stomach swelling up. I almost lost my presence of mind. With the prisoner screaming and crying 'Mother! Mother!' I muttered to myself, 'Mother, do you know what is happening to your son now?' I still cannot stop shuddering every time I recall that horrible scene

I challenge anyone to read the whole article and tell me waterboarding isn't torture.
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