Vosem Chart selector

Posted by Bruised at 6:23pm Dec 9 '05
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Before I have posted about a selector at SelectSmart for the Vosem Chart, which gives you a test to place yourself on this eight-category political chart.

Coming out as a liberal, [private] said, "It's rigged! It makes everyone into a liberal!" (Someone else had said, "Oh, no! It made you a liberal, [private]!") Well, the way it turns out, over 56% of the people who took this test came out as a liberal. That's over half! The results page is here under the link for anyone who wants to look at it.

Anarcho-syndicalist, my top result, was the second most common result for people taking the test according to this page. Conservative, the exact opposite of liberal, came in third.

Someone had also said that the test was dreaded when it made [private] a liberal. But, if [private] actually came out with liberal as his top result when he took the test, I wonder what's supposed to be wrong with that. Why should we be surprised when it makes [private] into a liberal?
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