Fairness Doctrine

Posted by Sir Four at 10:41am Feb 3 '05
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What is the Fairness Doctrine? Some background: It was set up, in the 40s I believe, by the FCC and required that broadcasters present a balance of opinions. You couldn't have a radio station, for instance, that broadcasts nothing but conservative programs. People with different views would have to be given airtime as well.

The Supreme Court in 1969 heard a challenge to this doctrine on first amendment grounds, but upheld it as constitutional. It wasn't until the 80s that the doctrine fell apart. A Reagan-era FCC chairman made it his mission to terminate the doctrine. Congress responded by drafting a bill to require the FCC to enforce it. Reagan vetoed the bill, and the Fairness Doctrine was dead. Congress tried to revive it again with another bill after Reagan left office, but then-president Bush vetoed it.

To this day, a majority of Americans, both liberal and conservative, support the Fairness Doctrine. There is talk of Congress once again taking up the issue. Where do you stand?
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