Last night, I had a dream that I was back at school, and we had a class assignment to write what the teacher called our "actually" poem. This is the "actually" poem I started to write in my dream:
I am a singer-songwriter
But I actually have fewer than a thousand subscribers on YouTube and could never put a steady band together
I am an artist
But I actually have trouble with visual thinking
I am highly intelligent
But I actually really suck when it comes to understanding spatial relationships
I have OCD
But I actually do a number of taboo things and have messy hair and an unkempt desk and dresser
I put my hand over my left eye
But I'm not actually bothered by bright lights; I just don't want to see spiders, pajamdras, Spider-man or Winnxe the Pooh when I'm walking down the aisle
I love sleep and dreams
But I actually can't stand pajamdras
I love Frappuccino
But I actually can't stand the thought of drinking a milkshxke
I have dozens of thousands of entries in my English-Kankonian dictionary
But actually "whxxps" isn't one of them, because there are a number of English words tiat will set me off and get me purging
Socializing feels like sugar to me
But I actually might have a break a conversation off if my interlocutor says a word like "whxxps" or "ice xxxxx" and I have to go off and purge
I have dozens of friends, whom I love to death
But I actually have a hard time reaching so many of them, because there are days when I dial a dozen friends and all I get are a dozen answering machines
I love the animal kingdom and get angry when a cop shoots someone's dog
But I actually can't stand spiders, and will kill one when I see one
I love the plant kingdom
But I actually can't touch a plant, lest it have cobwebs growing on it
I am Jewish
But I don't actually practice the religion (I never had a bar mitzvah) and consider my culture to be modern Western counterculture
I am bisexual
But I've actually never dated anyone, boy or girl
I believe in civil rights for youth
But I actually get uncomfortable around children younger than about 6 or 7 or even the sound of a high-pitched voice
Does anyone else want to try an "actually" poem about themselves?