It would be really hard to tie some of these together into a single world, especially since one is a near-future story that wipes out most of civilization while another is a far-future story -- although the latter was always built on the premise of an unspecified disaster having wiped out most of humanity and almost completely obliterating civilization, so that actually works together surprisingly well!
The power-armored assassins in the other near-future one would be hard to reconcile with the the post-apocalyptic near-future one, though, unless I set it far-future and then... Ooh! Power-armored assassins actually co-existing with the techno-zombies!!
The mages initially seem problematic, integrating them into hard(ish) sci-fi stories that completely eschew the supernatural altogether, but they live in a world that doesn't acknowledge magic and try to hide, so that actually works!
So the seven stories actually could fit together into a single world, and as a rough timeline go thusly:
* [Today] Mage War; Revival
* [Near-Future] Impact Event
* [Far-Future] [private] Hunter; Grey Goo
Grey Goo is the working title for the techno-zombies; I dislike it, but it's what I have right now.
[private] Hunter and Grey Goo could even exist at roughly the same time, but they'd really need to be geographically distinct (not hard, given that Grey Goo establishes that humanity has been all but sequestered into a handful of isolated/isolationist city-states surrounded by largely untamed wilds -- similar to the setting of Ultraviolet, actually, although I came up with this before I ever saw that movie).
The erotica can of course co-exist at any point in this timeline, being not at all world-altering.
The tricky part then becomes fitting in the Reptoids vs. Grays story, as both it and Impact Event largely rely on humanity not knowing there's other life in the universe. Well, I guess Impact Event doesn't, not really; the surprise is actually that the meteors that almost obliterated humanity carried with them alien life, not that there is life per se (your reaction to an unexpected alien trying to eat your face really isn't a whole lot different from your reaction to an unexpected alien trying to eat your face when you didn't know there were aliens in the first place). And the meteors that almost wipe out humanity could have a similar effect on the Reptoids' underground cities, and/or they collapsed the access points to the surface, explaining why the Reptoids aren't coming up to help humanity rebuild.
* [Unspecified] untitled erotica
* [Today] Mage War; Revival
* [Nearer-Future] Reptoids vs. Grays
* [Near-Future] Impact Event
* [Far-Future] [private] Hunter; Grey Goo
[Yes, I am aware that I've used "grey" in Grey Goo, but "gray" when referring to the aliens of that name. No, I have no idea why that is. I don't actually have a preference for either spelling, and often use both interchangeably.]
That could work. Would be one of the most disjointed novels ever written, though....
Or, ya know. Fuck the rules and do your own thing. That's totally cool too. Your little sis is kind of an expert on that, and I'm pretty sure it's genetic. :P
LMAO!! Yes, yes you are!!