Poem. "BloodLust"

Posted by greatestace at 7:42am Jul 21 '10
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She says she is Faster
He says he is stronger
They say they are smarter
They’re right.
But just you watch

I can hear her taunts echoing through the annals of memory
I can hear his jeers lurking
Lo, a phantom in thought
They go where they please; on their own time

Who is this frail Napoleon?

All their contempt
A vandalism visited on the vicissitudes of my soul
Kindles the flames

Their own words have gorged it
The thirst for blood
For victory
Grows ever larger
Ever stronger

A desire to be faster than her
Stronger than him
Smarter than they

And so begins the Austerlitz
Will he resume his fall to the abyss?
Or rise and sweep them into the Blitz?

Just you watch.

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