Sweet Somethings

Posted by shyla at 6:29pm Nov 11 '05
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you can't reminisce on that day
you first told me you loved me
by saying nothing much at all
but by saying the most of something
it was an evening like many others
a shared meal prepared by four hands
eaten in a comforting silence
bits of laughter at the kitchen sink
your mischevious smile was my only warning
then a tender touch and warm look
as you wiped the dish suds from my cheek
a hand in mine drawing me down to your lap
two arms wrapped securely around me
I leaned my back against your chest

you can't reminisce on that day
you touched your lips to my ear
your warm breath caressed my neck
yet it chilled me and tickled my skin
I knew..what you didn't have to say
with ten cent words and grandoise actions
but with a simple and rare sincerity
you whispered, "be with me."
and eyes so still and honest looked through me
you asked if we could spend forever together
and I could only swallow and nod my head
as I looked at you through the eyes of my heart
Nothing had ever looked better
than the gift of one love upon your face

you can't reminisce on that day
because you were taken away from the world
for someone else's gain..not mine
nor yours, his, hers, or theirs
everyone knows why but no one can explain
and I am too tired to continue my questions
but this is another story for a different time
or maybe never at all, who knows?
no, I am not bitter without your love
and I won't sleep until September ends
wake me up today and all of the tomorrows
because whether you are here or not here
you don't ever stop pressing your lips to my ear
whispering sweet somethings...to me
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