I'm reading it now..

Posted by julenka at 5:33am Oct 5 '06
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Yes, way to go [private]. Not slow at all. :p

And actually, I don't like the book much at all. To me, it feels so shallow that it feels more like an outline of a really good story than a really good story. :\ I mean, it could partly just be beacuse I've just finished reading Heretics of Dune, which was quite a heavy book, but this book just feels really shallow. The themes are all there, just begging to be explored, and instead, the characters make shallow remarks about it all. And it's all zipping by so fast!

Seriously, I'm not just bagging it for the sake of it.. I honestly think it could be a really awesome book if he'd sat down and spent another year or so writing it, and fleshing it out into an epic. Like I said, the themes are there. They have the potential for depth. It's just a shame that Scalzi hasn't taken advantage of that and made the most of it.

Ah well..
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