A fun little exercise

Posted by tallman at 4:09pm May 1 '04
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I accidentally posted this on C/U, but it should really be here... I found this on a bunch of blogs, so I'll adapt it to the board

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence here

So here goes, I had two books stacked on each other, so I'll do it for both... The first is from a biography of Benjamin Franklin:
Mather, trained as a physician before coming a preacher, sent a letter to the ten practicing doctors in Boston (only one of whom had a medical degree) summarizing his knowledge of the African inoculation and urging that they adopt the practice.
The second is from Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King:
"Had your say, son?" he asked kindly, as one might ask a child if he had played enough for one afternoon and was ready for his nap.
Hehehehe. Post yours:)

added on 4:09pm May 1 '04:
Gah, stupid copy and pasting. Formatting is off, but you get the gist...
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