Sounds similar to my experiences.

Posted by Sedruce at 6:29am Aug 30 '09
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I'm too immersed in American flirting, I think, cuz I'm not sure how American guys do it (....and I've lived in the states all 22 years of my life).

I didn't notice any Brits checking me out in the times I've been there. I chalked it up to me not exactly being the sexiest chick in the group I was with, but it may just be that I'd be far too oblivious to notice the kind of flirting you describe.

The rest of Europe, however...I definitely noticed the Parisian behaviour your described, in France and in Italy the most. Switzerland I remember being almost as bad, but a lot...warmer? If that makes sense. Like, they looked me over and made me feel cheap, but if I passed that test, it seemed like they cared to get to know me to see if I'm good enough on that front too. Still prioritizing the physical, but I felt less like an object.

What I remember of German and Austrian flirting was that they were forward, blunt, and did nothing that stank of flirting. Either I just happened upon some friendly guys, or that's their flirting. I'm really not sure.

In short, Seddy sucks at observing most flirtation, at least with herself. :)
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