Hey Seds! Remember this?

Posted by Kromey at 3:04pm Nov 15 '13
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WARNING: The following video contains Myst spoilers/puzzle solutions! Of course, it's been out now for 20 years, so if you still haven't played you're probably never going to...

[If the start parameter doesn't work, skip ahead to 1m56s.]

Seds and I spent literal days trapped in this damn maze trying to find our way out again. It was the first time that I had to pick up pen and paper and start taking notes for any puzzle in Myst; in this case we drew out a map of pretty much the entire maze, start to finish, including all the dead-ends we ended up going down!!

This maze, and the columns on the starting world in front of the library, are my most distinct memories from this game. Although the maze quickly became more frustration than enjoyment, I nonetheless remember the game with immense fondness, which is no doubt part of why I'm so very excited that Obduction has reached its funding goal and now looks like it will easily hit the stretch goal for Oculus Rift support (although sadly the additional world + "Road Trip" mode, easily the most exciting stretch goal in the history of anything, looks well out of reach).

Ah, good times. Makes me want to play the game again... If only I had the $6 to spare to pick it up on Steam... *le sigh* Also Riven (another $6) and Myst V ($9, and I've never played that one before).

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