Saint's Row IV

Posted by Kromey at 12:54pm Aug 20 '13
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This released last night, in the US at least, at 12:01 EST. Which was only 8 o'clock here in Alaska! After waiting an excruciating amount of time for my pre-load to decrypt, I got to play for about an hour-and-a-half before we headed off to bed.

It's so much fun!!

I'm not far into it yet -- my hour-and-a-half of play is probably more equivalent to someone else's hour, maybe 45 minutes, because I like to wander about, look around, explore all the menu options, and I'm a pretty lousy shot so when I have to kill someone it takes a lot longer than most people (plus the mouse control seems... strange... almost like it's too sensitive but at the same time rather sluggish...). Anyway, I'm not far, but I'm already completely hooked on this game. The two superpowers I've unlocked already -- super sprint and super jump, the first ones you get -- are a helluva lot of fun! Not far enough in yet to determine if the main (theoretical) criticism -- namely that being super-powered makes you over-powered and the game too easy -- is valid, but I doubt it: Saint's Row has always had you way out-classing civilians in every way possible, and even the standard cops are no match for your firepower in very short order; SR4 has powerful alien opponents, though, including super-powered versions for when you get too out-of-control, so that should keep the play more balanced than this (theoretical) criticism would imply.

Besides, Saint's Row games are about sandboxed over-the-top mayhem, and what's more over-the-top than a super-powered gangbanger tearing shit up?

I'm hoping this game stays fun and intriguing, but I'm sure it will -- I'm still having fun in SR3, still tearing about in the same save where I've beat the main story and am now working on completing all activities, challenges, etc. If SR4 is even have that engrossing, then we're golden! :)

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