Speaking of Fallout 3

Posted by Kromey at 1:25pm Dec 13 '10
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I'm finally playing this one. I bought it literally the day it came out, but I also bought Fable 2 the day it came out, which was (IIRC) very shortly after Fallout 3. Which meant that Fable 2 got lots of play, while Fallout 3 got almost nothing.

Well, a couple of weeks ago I was at a party where a few people were talking about Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and it got me excited about Fallout 3 all over again. So I'm playing it now, finally with the full devotion it deserves. And dammit, I'm loving it! I'm also already eagerly looking forward to starting a new game with a new character (heavy armor and big guns, as opposed to my current light armor and small guns, although I recently started wearing Power Armor and just dumped crap tons of points into energy weapons), but I want to at least finish the main quest with my current character before I abandon her for a new one.

Ammo, though. Good lord! So hard to keep adequate stocks of ammo on hand! I'm finding myself carrying 4 different weapons at all times so that I can switch when ammo supplies dwindle for one or two. I'm also frequently ditching much more powerful weapons to pick up whatever crap happens to be being carried by the random shmucks I'm beating up on at the moment. If my Big Guns skill were at a reasonable level, I've got more than enough ammo for the minigun, missile launcher, and even the Fat Man, because I keep picking the stuff up off of Super Mutants but I don't use it. And I don't sell my ammo because I've got enough money, it doesn't weigh anything, and "You never know when you might need to spin up that random minigun, even if you only barely know which way to point the business end."

Ah, but nothing beats the thrill of a Sneak Attack Critical from 500 yards away using a sniper rifle while sneaking around in Power Armor!!
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