Dead Rising 2

Posted by Kromey at 5:11pm Sep 26 '10
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Okay, so, I have no money. Like, we're struggling to not be swamped by credit card debt right now. Not yet out of control, but we're definitely in the "can't afford to splurge on luxuries right now" phase.

But dammit, GameStop had to go and offer a ninja outfit and skills pack for pre-orders! What could possibly be cooler than ninjas vs. zombies?

So, I also downloaded DR 2: Case Zero, the prologue for the game, and been playing that. The first game had the gimmick of taking photos of the zombies, which cool at first but fairly quickly became pretty annoying to be snapping photos in the middle of getting eaten by zombies. DR 2 has the combo weapons, where you take two different items and combine them into really neat combinations. It's really just a way to make some the weapons in the game -- specifically, the most powerful/coolest -- harder to obtain, but it's also really satisfying, especially to discover new combinations: I just built the IED, basically a propane tank with dozens of nails attached to it which you can stick to a zombie, then move away and shoot it to blow up a lot of zombies in a group.

I can't wait for the full game to get to my door -- this is gonna be sweet!!
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