Crisis in the Gulf, from x box.

Posted by Anthem at 9:12pm Jun 30 '10
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"Now you can try your hand at stopping the oil spill in the Gulf Coast.

A new game inspired by the ongoing BP oil spill has hit the Xbox Live games marketplace.

Called Crisis In The Gulf, the game, released by Super Boise, challenges gamers to stop the oil spill from an exploded oil rig owned by "DP" using whatever means necessary--from cannons and torpedos to high-powered lasers. (The DP logo will look familiar...)

"The Government and Oil Corporations have failed to stop the oil leak," the game's description reads. "Clearly they haven't tried TOWER DEFENSE!! Do you have what it takes to cap the leak?"

read the rest below. pretty funny considering, or if they werent making money off of it.

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