Civilization IV

Posted by Kromey at 1:41pm May 27 '10
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Okay, yeah, here's yet another tale of [private] finding an old game in the bargain bin that everyone else has already played and gotten sick of. Well, it wasn't the bargain bin per se -- it was on Steam. Got the game and all 3 expansions.

I still love this game! I played the first and second ones (missed 3), and Alpha Centauri. I must say, I really, really want to see Alpha Centauri's unit customization options show up in the Civ games -- nothing beats creating a flying settler unit, or a flying worker who can build improvements on both land and sea!!

Anyway, I digress -- this game is awesome, although to be honest the animated units are more distraction than enhancement. I liked the old days of tiles or even slightly 3D (but nonetheless static) units sliding across the map... But still an awesome game.

And of course it still has that addictive "one more turn" gameplay! I'll be back -- I discovered a continent ruled by a barbarian tribe (okay, it's really just a small island with one city, but it is chock full of barbarian units). My frigates on their way to bombard the city's defenses into nothingness, and a galleon loaded with musketmen will be heading that way soon!
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