I can haz some language halp?

Posted by C at 1:59am Apr 11 '10
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I play a game called MAG (Massive Action Game) there's voice communication (through mics and headsets) and depending on the time I'm playing, I could be playing with people from various countries in a high majority. Since this is a team-based strategy game, it's hard to coordinate with the rest of my team if they're all speaking different languages and have no idea what I'm saying.

So, I need a big favor from few volunteers to help me out. This is what I need. The following phrases...

Please FRAGO (this means Fragmentation Order but the word "FRAGO" is used as a verb) the bunker!

Can I get a Medic! and/or Pick me up!

Watch out, there's a sniper!

Throw grenades in here!

Don't bleed out, I'm on my way (name)!

There's someone camping my body, watch out!

I'm sorry, I don't speak or understand _______ I only know a few phrases.

Does anybody here speak and understand English?


What I need is for people to record these phrases so I can learn them and say them correctly.


The languages I need the most are:






(or Russian, I can't tell)


Please, please, please, record these phrases into individual files and e-mail them to me at bizzyb0t@gmail.com the format (mp3, aac, wav, etc.) of the audio doesn't matter.

I know I could Google translate these phrases but I fear, I'd never get the pronunciation right. I can however, parrot what I hear! As a last resort, if I can't learn to say the phrases correctly, I can put them on my phone and play the files when I need them :p
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