Fortress America

Posted by Kromey at 6:17pm Jan 12 '10
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So back in my childhood, I discovered this neat-looking board game with a $5 price tag at a garage sale, and convinced my parents to buy it. This game was Fortress America.

In a nutshell, the game is much like Axis & Allies, except set in the future and pits a lone US player against up to 3 invading players. And it is the most superbly awesome war game I have ever played.

If you've ever seen the movie Red Dawn, this game plays out almost exactly like that - the movie and the game have exactly the same feeling of America desperately clinging to survival after being taken by complete surprise and invaded.

Sadly, my parents sold the game later.

Recently I watched Red Dawn again (love that movie, btw), and it again awoke the urge to play Fortress America. This time the urge was undeniable, so I dove into the internets and found it on eBay. I won the first of two auctions for the game (winning bid: $51; the other one was won a day later for $56), and it just arrived at my door today! I am so happy!!

Now must find someone to play it with!

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