Mass Effect 2

Posted by Kromey at 4:24pm Jan 12 '10
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I haven't been this excited about a game release in... well, since Halo 2 (I didn't have and couldn't afford to buy a 360 when Halo 3 was released, so the excitement was turned to despair and disappointment). I was going to wait until my birthday to pre-order the Collector's Edition, in the hopes that I might get it as a gift, but when Amazon suddenly didn't have it available anymore I nearly panicked. Scoured the web and came up with a copy on EA Games' website, which I very promptly pre-ordered immediately.

The first game was everything I love in a good game - solid action, detailed character development, and at least some freedom to go where I want/do what I want. I hear that the level of freedom in this game is increased - it's supposed to be a lot less linear than the first, which turned into a plodding straight line near the finale (which really made sense - the bad guy was literally on his way to destroy the universe, and the game did a good job making it feel like a race against time (even though there was no timer at all) to stop him).

I really hope the sequel is at least as good as the first one - ME has some real potential to become a huge franchise. If not for the inherent popularity of FPS games over RPGs, I'd say it could rival Halo.
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