Posted by Kromey at 1:06pm Jan 12 '10
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A female friend of mine detests Fable for exactly that reason - can't make a female character. Fable 2, on the other hand...
I don't in any way mean to imply that everyone hates the over-sexualized female characters in games - hell, if they did, the designers wouldn't be putting them in! I refer rather to the so-called "watchdogs" who always bitch and moan any time a game designer has the gall to make a pair of breasts move more like breasts than like solid stones glued to the ribs.
I don't in any way mean to imply that everyone hates the over-sexualized female characters in games - hell, if they did, the designers wouldn't be putting them in! I refer rather to the so-called "watchdogs" who always bitch and moan any time a game designer has the gall to make a pair of breasts move more like breasts than like solid stones glued to the ribs.