The co-op play

Posted by Kromey at 2:28pm Dec 31 '09
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is a lot of fun, but it can get frustrating if one player likes to race ahead, pulling the screen with them and scraping off the other players. It's also sometimes frustrating when one or two players grab all 4 of the power-ups that spew forth from a question mark block. Or when one player is way ahead of everyone else and hits said block, allowing the power-ups to fall off the edge before the other players can get to them.

There's a lot of places that don't seem reachable at all unless you're playing co-op mode - they require the double- or triple-jumping that's only possible with more than one player.

Overall, it's a lot of fun to play in a group. One of the aspects I really like is what we've dubbed "girlfriend mode": You're able to enclose yourself into a bubble that will slowly drift in the general direction of the other player(s). This is effective in tricky platforming situations, for example, where one player makes the tricky jumps and the others bubble and drift over.
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