
Posted by Kromey at 1:01pm Sep 14 '09
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Yeah yeah, I know - I'm behind the times. But I just picked this one up on XBox Live's new on-demand service, and I must saw - I really enjoy this game! Really hating the Big Daddies, though - those suckers are terrifying! I usually get killed and resurrect at least 3 times while fighting them, and am always almost completely out of ammunition afterwards.

I am starting to get frustrated, though - the generic splicers are increasing in toughness and damage-dealing capabilities significantly faster than my own damage-dealing capabilities can keep up. My shotgun and machine gun are both fully upgraded, yet it now takes a good 3 shots at point-blank from the shotgun to take down your typical leadhead or thuggish splicer.

Maybe I'm just behind on my research - does that offer significant bonuses to the damage I can dish out?
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