Dungeons of Moria, Angband

Posted by Sedruce at 12:00am Apr 20 '09
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So, I grew up playing this awesome ASCII game called Dungeons of Moria...usually just referred to as Moria. Moria and Zork are the quintessential games from my childhood...Myst is up there too, I suppose.

I've been on a nostalgic kick lately, so went hunting...found a download, but the stupid control scheme is ridiculous. Check this out:


(k is up, h is left, l is right, j is down, the others are diagonals, and . is rest)

Look at your keyboard. Look at this control scheme. I DARE you to tell me it makes any sense?? Being unable to find a way to change the control scheme from "rogue-like" to "original" (which uses the keypad), I downloaded Angband, which as I understand it, took the source code for Moria and toyed with it a bit. It's not what I played as a kid, which is a disappointment, but it's very similar. R was actually the one to point me to it (Angband is what he played all through high school), and I'm glad he did...so far, it looks almost the same. But not quite as clunky as I remember, and definitely not as clunky as the rogue-like command scheme for Moria.
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