Returned to EVE this week

Posted by Kromey at 3:18am Mar 13 '09
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Just in time to see the launch of Apocrypha, the latest and greatest expansion to EVE's already massive universe. It's pretty friggin' sweet. From small changes (like timers on module icons so you can see how long a cycle takes) to bigger ones (the fitting screen has been completely redone, and you can save your ship setups!) and on to the largest single growth spurt the EVE universe has ever seen (some 2400 new systems to explore!!), this is fucking sweet! So many changes have come to the game, and all of them good.

And! We finally have a skill queue now! YES!!! No more wasting precious training time or avoiding broadening our skill base to avoid wasting training time while we have to go to work.

This. Is. Sweet.

Also, here is my character's portrait. I thought she was cool looking when I made her, but the next day I hated her look and regretted the choices. Not enough to scrap her and start over, though, and now I'm glad I didn't, cuz I think she looks pretty danged sweet!
Darunia Goron

If anyone else out there plays, add Darunia Goron to your address book and drop me a note. Also, if any of y'all who play happen to be members of an active mining corp/alliance, let me know - my corp's kind of a one-(wo)man thing right now, and I'd like to get into some of the more lucrative group efforts out there.
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