Gaming headsets...

Posted by C at 1:26am Mar 7 '09
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with built in mics, for the consoles, you're pretty limited.

I know that you can gerry-rig a Plantronics Gamecom 777 to your PS3 but it's only got stereo or that "fake" surround, aka Dolby Headphones. They sound great in stereo though. Sharpest sound fidelity of the lot, surprisingly.

The Astro A40 with the mixer +usb adapter, is way to fucking expensive. Although they look totally pimp.

The Turtle Beach offerings (like this one) all are cheaply built and suck. Not to mention they hire shills to spread FUD about other headphones on the market in different forums.

Then a company came along and made the Tritton AXPro 5.1 Dolby Surround headphones and these totally rock. Middle of the road price tag, $160, compared to your other options, also features/price ratio. Sounds expensive but there's 4 speakers in each can and it plug into your PS2, PS3, Xbox, 360 or PC (with surround sound card) with ease. Detachable mic, in-line volume controls for chat and game sounds discretely. Front, Rear, Center and Sub channel volumes can be adjusted independently and simultaneously. Awesome sound-staging.

I wouldn't FPS (or TPS, lol) without it.

It's amazing that they've made surround sound effective in a headset.
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